Mr Dave Shanahan

Chair of the National Oversight Group of Health Innovation Hub Ireland |

Dave graduated from UCC In science and TCD in business. He has over 30 years commercial experience working at leadership levels in global pharma operating in Ireland, the UK and the USA. He has helped launch over 21 medicines in his career. He has worked in healthcare as founding CEO Charter Medical Group. He also led IDA Ireland’s global life sciences team winning foreign direct investment from pharma, medtech and healthcare services into Ireland (2009-2012).

He has supported a range of Life Sciences start-ups, SME’s and Multinational companies in strategy and commercialisation. He was a board member of Enterprise Ireland, (2015-2024), is a director and angel investor in some Irish based start-ups and is a venture partner with Treo Ventures USA, dedicated to medical device development.

He has been National Chair of Health Innovation Hub Ireland’s oversight group since 2013.