HIHI Tender Watch – August

29th August 2024

Welcome to ‘HIHI Tender Watch’. This is a brief monthly update on live relevant* tenders for innovative healthcare products in Irish healthcare, a reminder of those closing soon and a record of relevant Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS – always open to new vendors once criteria is met).

Published at the end of each month, ‘HIHI Tender Watch’ is intended as a sign-post service for HIHI clients and includes brief tender request details, contracting body, deadline, link to relevant tender docs. If you would like HIHI to feature your tender or you notice we have missed one, please send through details to info@hihi.ie. 


1.HSE 22272 Open Tender for Learning Management System (LMS)

The HSE invites tenders from suitably qualified companies / individuals for the development and implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS) that includes the provision, configuration, support and maintenance of the solution.

Closes: 24/09/2024 15:00. https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/cft/viewContractNotices.do?resourceId=4108567

2.DPS: HSE 24428 DPS Qualification for Neurophysiology Equipment

A new DPS Qualification for Neurophysiology Equipment is required to replace an old NFA which is due to expire October 2024. Appointees to this DPSQ will be invited to future DPS Tenders in their relevant categories.


3. HSE 24670 Dynamic Purchasing System Qualification; Salesforce Licences, Implementation Services, Development and Support For National Immunisation Information System.

The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the provision of Salesforce Licences, Implementation Services, Development and Support. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and on behalf of all organisations funded by the HSE. In December 2020, based on the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and escalation in case numbers, the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) developed recommendations for the initiation of an urgent rollout of Covid-19 vaccinations. HSE Technology and Transformation facilitated this rollout through the implementation of the Covax Immunisation Information System based on the Salesforce platform. Covax, based on the Salesforce Health Cloud platform, is currently used to record Covid, Influenza (Flu), and Pneumococcal vaccinations. Covax also includes Salesforce Service Cloud (used by multiple HSE support teams), Salesforce Marketing Cloud (leveraging SMS and email channels), MuleSoft (enabling integration with other HSE systems, GPs, and pharmacies) and Tableau analytics. It is the intention of the HSE to expand Covax to become the National Immunisation Information System (NIIS) and bring future development activities into a more normalised design, implementation, and support cycle. The HSE are seeking suitably qualified suppliers for the provision of Salesforce SaaS licences along with comprehensive licencing support services for the following Salesforce products: Salesforce Health Cloud, Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, MuleSoft, Tableau CRM.


4. HSE 21175 National Dental Records and Information System

The National Dental Records and Information System project aims to replace the existing National Dental System, which is due to move to end of support status, with a National Dental Record and Information System that supports the provision of dental services and public health obligations of the HSE Community Dental Service. The scope of this tender is the delivery of required ICT solution to enable the successful establishment and management of the National Dental Record and Information System. The successful solution must include an ICT System Solution that is fully vendor managed and hosted SaaS solution including but not limited to: project management, licences, implementation, pre and post testing, training, ongoing support and maintenance, configuration, data migration, current and future integrations. The successful tenderer will deliver a system which will enable the provision of integrated Dental care nationally across the primary care settings. The system will manage and record the paediatric and adult patient journey within dental pathways and facilitate a high-quality service by enabling the implementation of the National Dental Records System. The requirement is that the dental record information system offered, currently exists and is demonstrable, in addition to being configurable, user friendly and intuitive, with the configuration and setup resulting from collaborations between the successful tenderer and the organisations. It is also expected that this collaboration will be sought to ensure that informed choices for configurations are based on available evidence-based practice and organisationally defined standards, policies and processes. It is expected that the procured solution will be highly interoperable and therefore capable of interfacing with National solutions such as the Individual Health Identifier, NIMIS, MedLIS, existing EHR’s as well as future solutions. The purpose of the National Dental Records and Information System is to: provide a single national database of dental service information across all Regional Health Authorities; provide secure and appropriate access to patient records for both clinicians and administrative staff in the provision of service to patients; To provide continuity of care through a single patient dental record enable key datasets across the Regional Health Authorities dental services. The key objectives are to maintain continuity of care for patients by ensuring the provision for: Electronic patient record; Migrating the existing patient records into the new system; Streamlining and digitising processes e.g. appointment management; Support the production of reports as required for dental public health services nationally.

Closes: 24/09/2024. https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/cft/viewContractNotices.do?resourceId=3886809

Ongoing: Invitation to Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS): 

 1. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Invitation for the supply of Medical Gloves HSE Ref 18297/23647.

HSE, n/a – DPS, https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/dps/listDPSContractDocuments.do?resourceId=3175098

2. Provision of an e-rostering System. The system(s) procured will be used as tactical day to day tools to record staff attendance, relate staff attendance to remuneration, report on compliance with labour law, create and manage staff rosters and strategically to align rosters with service demands. A priority is to ensure application of time recording and e-rostering to staff with particular regard to recording and managing compliance with HSE work practices, EWTD, associated labour law requirements and integration with payroll strategic and national systems such as HR and Payroll.

(This DPS replaces the version advertised on the old etenders platform, HSE 14807, ID reference 240390. Eligibility Criteria in the ESPD Document will be used for assessing candidates against the Exclusion Criteria. Candidates will be evaluated against Selection Criteria as indicated in the Expression of Interest documentation.) 

HSE, n/a DPS, https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/dps/listDPSContractDocuments.do?resourceId=3327889# 

3.  Dynamic Purchasing System for Personal Protective Equipment for Regular Demand. This DPS Invitation has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to Applicants interested in participating in a public procurement process for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for the supply of PPE for Regular Demand on behalf of the HSE (hereafter the “DPS Regular Demand”). Regular Demand means the regular forecastable weekly demand for PPE across the HSE.

HSE, n/a DPS, limited info on link:https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/dps/prepareViewCfTDPSWS.do?resourceId=1789752

4. Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a DPS for the provision of Unified Cyber Incident Response service. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and on behalf of all organisations funded by the HSE. On 14 May 2021, the HSE was subjected to a serious criminal cyberattack (the “Incident”), through the infiltration of IT systems using Conti Ransomware. Over 80 percent of IT infrastructure impacted leading to unavailability of key patient information and diagnostics. To rapidly enhance the security operations and strengthen the cyber defence posture post the Incident, a number of security services were stood up on an emergency basis. HSE are now in the journey towards standardising these capabilities and associated services. The Post Incident Review (PIR) that was carried out following the incident has highlighted the need for integrating existing siloed incident response processes into a unified cyber incident response capability. The vision of this service is to effectively and consistently have the capability to unify the cyber incident response across multiple HSE organisational constructs.

HSE, n/a DPS, https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/dps/viewDPSNotices.do?resourceId=3234213 

5. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the supply of Urology and Ostomy products. DPS CA UNIQUE ID: 24023/18296

This DPS has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to economic operators interested in participating in a public procurement process for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for the supply, where relevant of Urology and Ostomy products. 

Evaluation mechanism: Best Price-Quality Ratio. https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/dps/viewDPSNotices.do?resourceId=3523124 

 Source: etenders: https://www.etenders.gov.ie/epps/home.do

 Any questions? Email  info@hihi.ie. 

6. DPS Qualification: Provision of Remote Health Monitoring Technologies to Support the Implementation of Virtual Ward Care Model Solutions

(HSE ref. 23112) 

The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the provision of Remote Health Monitoring Technologies to support the implementation of Virtual Ward care models via a fully end to end vendor managed solution. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and on behalf of all organisations funded by the HSE. A Virtual Ward is a time-limited, safe, and efficient alternative to bedded care enabled by technology that aims to support people who have an acute condition, or exacerbation of a chronic condition requiring hospital-level care, to receive this high acuity care in the place they call home. This approach can provide both an alternative to hospital admission at the Emergency Department, and/or facilitate an earlier discharge from a hospital ward for medical and surgical patients. This DPS will support the implementation of Virtual Wards and associated service capabilities within adult, older persons, and paediatric services across, but not limited to, respiratory, cardiology, and endocrinology pathways. The HSE is seeking to procure an effective and successful market proven, end-to-end vendor managed solution ready for immediate deployment. A central component of the Virtual Ward Solution supported by Remote Health Monitoring Technologies service will be a comprehensive fully vendor managed (end-to-end) solution, including the provision and support of a suite of web-based application(s) and clinical measurement equipment, to facilitate acute clinical care delivered remotely by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) if clinically appropriate and with clear lines of clinical responsibility and governance. This solution will facilitate the avoidance of hospital admission and/or early hospital discharge by providing safe technology that allows suitable patients to be clinically monitored from where they call home. 


 7. DPS Qualification for Flexible Endoscopes

(HSE ref: 21702) 

Endoscopes, endoscopy, endosurgery devices. 


8. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Invitation for the provision of Digital Dictation/Voice Recognition

(HSE ref: 24100) 

The Health Service Executive (HSE) wishes to establish a DPS Invitation for the provision of Digital Dictation/Voice Recognition Systems, including supply, installation, integration, implementation, training and on-going support. 


9. DPS Qualification for Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Interventional Radiology, Vascular, to include all related consumables

Cardiovascular devices, cardiac-monitoring devices, cardio-angiography devices, cardiographs, diagnostics and radio-diagnostic devices and supplies 


 10. Dynamic Purchasing System Qualification for the Provision of Diagnostics and Imaging Equipment

X-ray devices, x-ray workstations, x-ray processing devices, x-ray fluoroscopy devices, radiography devices, gamma cameras, CT scanners, CAT scanners, cardiac X-ray system 


*Please be aware that the tenders highlighted herein are not exhaustive and are at the discretion of  the HIHI team. We recommend all clients follow relevant CPV codes and visit etenders regularly. 

11. DPS: HSE 24428 DPS Qualification for Neurophysiology Equipment

A new DPS Qualification for Neurophysiology Equipment is required to replace an old NFA which is due to expire October 2024. Appointees to this DPSQ will be invited to future DPS Tenders in their relevant categories.


 12. HSE 24670 Dynamic Purchasing System Qualification; Salesforce Licences, Implementation Services, Development and Support For National Immunisation Information System.

The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the provision of Salesforce Licences, Implementation Services, Development and Support. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and on behalf of all organisations funded by the HSE. In December 2020, based on the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and escalation in case numbers, the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) developed recommendations for the initiation of an urgent rollout of Covid-19 vaccinations. HSE Technology and Transformation facilitated this rollout through the implementation of the Covax Immunisation Information System based on the Salesforce platform. Covax, based on the Salesforce Health Cloud platform, is currently used to record Covid, Influenza (Flu), and Pneumococcal vaccinations. Covax also includes Salesforce Service Cloud (used by multiple HSE support teams), Salesforce Marketing Cloud (leveraging SMS and email channels), MuleSoft (enabling integration with other HSE systems, GPs, and pharmacies) and Tableau analytics. It is the intention of the HSE to expand Covax to become the National Immunisation Information System (NIIS) and bring future development activities into a more normalised design, implementation, and support cycle. The HSE are seeking suitably qualified suppliers for the provision of Salesforce SaaS licences along with comprehensive licencing support services for the following Salesforce products: Salesforce Health Cloud, Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, MuleSoft, Tableau CRM.


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