Category: Event

HIHI welcomes EY global innovation lead Edwina Fitzmaurice at the inaugural ‘Innovation Champions PowWow’

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On July 14 W, the HIHI Innovation Champions attended the inaugural ‘Innovation Champions PowWow’. This is a series of quarterly online discussions designed and delivered exclusively for the graduates of the HIHI/TCD one year Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Innovation. These sessions allow graduates and key figures from the innovation community to connect in an informal setting. The idea is to share experiences, discuss relevant topics, and to pose questions on all aspects of healthcare innovation.

Our expert innovator for Wednesday’s ‘PowWow’ was Edwina Fitzmaurice, Chief Customer Success Officer at EY.  Based in the New York Office, Edwina is responsible for markets strategy and business development for EY’s Advisory consulting business, which covers 140 countries and over 60,000 people. Edwina works with major accounts, navigating the current age of transformative technology and demographic change. She helps companies seize the upside of the opportunities created with disrupting markets.

Edwina’s passion for innovation and value-creation was expressed as she candidly shared her own fascinating career story, which spans tech, finance, the Arts, and consulting. Edwina gave a very motivating talk to the Innovation Champions group about ‘leading with influence’ and breaking down barriers to innovation. The importance of credibility, empathy, and the power of the network was discussed, along with concepts such as culture change in an organisation and the benefits of ‘future-back thinking’.

The group are looking forward to the next ‘Innovation Champions PowWow’ in early October, when they will have expanded to include this year’s graduates in the growing network of HIHI Innovation Champions.

EI Germany webinar: “How to prepare your entry into the German Market and the reimbursement process”

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DiGA Fast Track is Germany’s new, structured way for digital healthcare solutions (German: DiGA) to get access to the German statutory healthcare system, reaching more than 75 million citizens.

“How to prepare your entry into the German Market and the reimbursement process”. This will take place at 13:00 IST on Wednesday 16th September. Followed by the DiGA Summit by the HIH in Berlin (the department responsible for the fast track to reimbursement for e-health solutions) on all details about the DiGA process.

Register here:

Enterprise Ireland will be joined for the webinar by the team around Dr. Christoph Bischoff- Everding founder of the HGC Healthcare Consultants GmbH. HGC will cover topics like
• Chances for Irish suppliers deriving from the Covid-19 pandemic
• Market access
• DiGA
• Classification as medical device
(Watch this video to understand what the DiGA process is all about)
and Dr. Andrea Seidel from Dr. Seidel Life Science, she will discuss
• expanding your business within the German market
• Do’s and Don’ts
• what budget and timeline to consider?
• the need of clinical trials
With a wealth of experience in business development and strategic partnerships, Dr. Seidel focuses on Dr. Seidel focuses on assisting companies identify their growth potential in-market.
Statutory health insurance what the process to get listed looks like, how they learn about innovative new health apps or medical devices and what the basis for their decision is. This is important for everybody who wants to be in the German reimbursement system.
Please click here to register for the HIH DiGA Summit. DVG – A summary of Germany’s new law for digital health applications can be found here.
As places are limited, we recommend that you register in advance to secure your place.

International DiGA Summit, September 16th – insights for global digital health sellers on the German market

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On September 16th Health Innovation Hub Germany will be hosting an English-speaking “International DiGA Summit” and thus taking the opportunity to inform the global digital health communities about Germany’s ‘DiGA Fast Track’ – a pioneering process to qualify and remunerate digital health innovations in the German statutory health care system. From September 2020 on, any German physician can prescribe qualified digital health applications to >75 million German citizens, fully reimbursed by the German statutory health insurances.

Date and time September 16th from 4 – 6 pm CET

Format Fully digital, online streamed event, access via our website. Audience can post live questions via

Addressing Digital health providers, consultants, policy makers, investors, physicians, academics


  • Germany´s Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn
  • The President of Bundesinsititut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM – German FDA equivalent), Prof. Karl Broich
  • The joint team from the German Ministry of Health, health innovation hub (hih) & BfArM who designed and are executing the Fast Track
  • High ranking representatives from NHS & FDA, as well as Hal Wolf (President & CEO HIMSS)

Register In order to get agenda and latest news in time please register via this link

HIHI and the Health Service Supplies Mission to the HSE

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British Ambassador to Ireland Robin Barnett  welcomed 36 UK companies to Ireland on Tuesday and outlined the great opportunities available in the Irish health landscape.

HIHI National Director Colman Casey presented at the event and both he and Eimear Galvin, Manager of HIHI in Dublin met a number of healthcare companies, showcasing the hub as part of the attractive health eco system here in Ireland.  The companies from across the UK were on a trade mission to learn more about the opportunities here in Ireland.

The event was organised by Dept for Int’l Trade UK Dublin office. DIT’s principal role is partnering with Irish companies and helping them both source from & set up and expand in The UK.

Innovation in HealthTech Event – Tyndall National Institute, Cork

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Innovation in HealthTech brings together leading academics, clinicians, experts and engineers to discuss technology solutions to human health problems.

On 11 June evening, leading academic, clinical representatives and enterprises will discuss the challenges experienced in day to day clinical practice and the wealth of state-of-the-art technology solutions available in academic and industry circles. Discussion areas are respiratory medicine, infectious diseases, general surgery and emergency medicine.

On 12 June, speakers from higher education institutions and industry will present data from diverse pedagogical approaches and models which involve researchers from the engineering, industrial design, medical and business communities to develop medical device solutions in healthcare.

Register here for an opportunity to join the discussion!

Innovation in HealthTech is enabled jointly by the Ireland – Wales EU INTERREG operation Celtic Advanced Life Science Innovation Network (CALIN) and the H2020 Erasmus+ MedInvent project, in collaboration with Health Innovation Hub Ireland, University College Cork Medical Education Unit and Assert. 

Innovation in HealthTech

11th – 12th June 2018 Tyndall National Institute, Cork

 Event Programme


11th June: Addressing Challenges in Medical Device Development


16:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee / Tea
16:30 Opening Remarks

Prof Eoin O’Reilly – Interim CEO, Tyndall National Institute

16:45 Session I: Panel Discussion “From Prototype to Market”

Dr Ciarán Duffy – European Advisor / National Contact Point, Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges – Health, Enterprise Ireland (Session Chair)

Dr Colman Casey – Director, Health Innovation Hub Ireland

Mr Larry O`Dwyer – Scientific Affairs Manager, Health Products Regulatory Authority Ireland

Dr Paul Galvin – Head ICT for Health Strategic Programmes – Head of Life Science Interface Group, Tyndall National Institute

17:30 Keynote Talk: Connecting the dots in Healthcare – the next generation of connected services

Dr Brian Flatley – Business Strategy and Engagement Director, S3 Connected Health

18:00 Buffet Dinner & Networking
19:00 Session II: “Needs & Challenges in the Clinical Market”
19:00 Respiratory Disease – Opportunities for Innovation

Dr Marcus Kennedy – Consultant Respiratory Physician and Interventionist Pulmonologist, Cork University Hospital

19:30 A role for technology in the fight against Antimicrobial Resistance?

Dr Corinna Sadlier – Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Acute Medicine, Cork University Hospital, Member of the National Immunisation Advisory Committee

20:00 Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery

Mr Stephen Brennan – Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Bon Secours Hospital, Cork

20:30 Stop telling us YOUR solutions to the problems YOU perceive we have!


Dr Jason van der Velde – Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Retrieval Physician, National Clinical Lead MEDICO Cork

21:00 Closing Remarks
21:15 Finger Food & Networking
22:00 End of Day 1


12th June: Collaborative Healthcare requires Collaborative Education


09:45 Opening Remarks

Dr Padraig Cantillon-Murphy – Lecturer at the School of Engineering, University College Cork and visiting faculty at IHU Strasbourg

10:00 MedInvent – Educating for innovation and standards in medical device design

Dr Jef Vanderoost – Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Leuven

10:45 Medical Device Design at UCD: From classroom to commercialisation

Dr Eoin O’Cearbhaill – Director of the UCD Medical Device Design Group, Lecturer in Bioengineering at the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, UCD

11:30 Coffee/Tea Break & Networking
12:00 Co-education in EUNCL: from cross-expert fertilization to regulatory co-learning

Dr Simon Baconnier – TNA Manager European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory EU-NCL, Clinical Alliance Manager, CEA Grenoble

12:45 Lunch & Networking
14:00 Hybrid Surgery at the IHU-Strasbourg: a new paradigm of education and innovation in France

Prof Lee Swanstrom – Head of GI and Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Oregon Clinic, Chief Innovations Officer IHU Strasbourg, Clinical Professor in the Department of Surgery at OHSU

14:45 Smart Digital Healthtech: from Key Enabling Technologies to 4P

Dr Paul Galvin – Head ICT for Health Strategic Programmes, Head of Life Science Interface Group – Tyndall National Institute

15:30 Closing Remarks & End of Day 2
16:00 End of Day 2


IRDG – Funding & Collaboration for Business Innovation, Dublin

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The Industry Research & Development Group will be hosting the Funding & Collaboration for Business Innovation in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown on 3rd May, 2018 from 8.30am to 3pm.  This event will explore “All the funding and collaboration options to support business innovation in 2018 under one roof….”

Please click here for more information


Come along and meet the Galway Health Innovation Hub Team at some upcoming events!

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The Galway HIHI Team will have meet and greet stands at the following upcoming events:

Email for more information.

1.  Grand Rounds, 1st floor, Clinical Science Institute (CSI), NUI Galway. Fri 6th April & Fri 20th April @12.30

2.   BioExel Medtech Accelerator Networking Clinics, BLOCK E (Upstairs) Lecture Room BLE – 1006, NUI Galway. 18th April, 17th May, 14th June  @5.30pm

3.  Medtech Brew Start-Up event, Theme: Connected Health. Glasshouse at Electric, Upper Abbeygate St, Galway.  17th May @6.30pm. Register here

Bridge to Mass Challenge week-long boot camp takes place in Boston

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Alcass Health Solutions, BioBind, CroiValve, CortechsConnect, Gasgon Medical, Hidramed Solutions Ltd., Marion Surgical,, MyAccessHub, Nasal Medical, Remedy Biologics Ltd, and ViClarity – all enjoying the B2MC boot camp in Boston!

Click below for further information on the process.


Click here for more info on Hidrawear