HIHI Innovation Portal

Health Innovation Hub Ireland is the connector, driving collaboration between the health service, innovators and business, to accelerate the delivery of new healthcare technologies, products and services.

The Health Innovation Pathway describes the process required to develop innovative products, services or technologies in the healthcare system from prioritising healthcare needs and ideation to piloting and adoption of market ready solutions. HIHI plays an active role in many of the steps along this pathway (prioritise, ideate, verify, validate, pilot and adopt) and provides advice and guidance to innovators on the other steps (prototype, develop and certify).

Depending on your needs and the stage of development of your innovation, you can engage with HIHI at various steps along this pathway such as idea generation and verification, prototype validation, piloting and innovation adoption. Engagement with HIHI at various steps along this pathway can assist you to progress faster and with more confidence to ensure your innovation addresses real needs. HIHI delivers this through the provision of: dedicated supports and guidance, a strong project management framework and unparalleled access to healthcare staff.

What do you need to do?
If you have an innovative product, service or technology and you would like our assistance or advice, please fill out the form on this link.

What will we do with this submission?
Due to large of number of on-going projects, the next review of submissions to the Innovation Portal will take place on 14th of August 2024. Those submissions that meet predefined criteria with respect to identified needs, feasibility and market potential will be progressed through HIHI’s project pathway. A HIHI Operations Team member will contact you with feedback on your submission. You can expect a reply within 4 weeks of the review of your submission. The submission deadline is the 15th of each month.