MDT meetings are ‘Simplicity’ thanks to nSilico

30th May 2016

Simplicity-MDT™ is nSilico’s fully customisable Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) management software platform.

Designed in collaboration with clinical staff, for clinical staff, it enables effective patient management by facilitating discussion of significant clinical results and agreement on best possible treatment plans.

HIH Project Objective

To trial Simplicity MDT on a busy clinical MDT, and investigate the feasibility of developing this platform for multiple MDT applications.

Project Summary

HIH identified the breast cancer team in CUH as a good trial option- this would provide a reference site for other breast cancer units in Ireland and would be a good testbed for developing a mechanism to roll-out to other MDT disciplines. The breast cancer pathology team led the project – initially  to develop the platform to capture pathology needs before expanding to surgery and radiology disciplines.

A project team was established and project plan developed. The objective of the project was to trial the MDT platform that  addressed the specific needs of the Breast Cancer MDT. The initial phase of the project was exploratory followed by development work- with the company discussing needs with the clinical team, developing the platform then testing and reiterating until the team were happy with the prototype. The clinical team then sought additional functionality that would make the product more effective and provide outputs that are not currently available through their current process (e.g. reporting, tracking, flagging and the inability to close a meeting without an action assigned to each patient). User testing in parallel with the current system took place over a number of weeks, revisions and modification were made based on feedback. Further parallel testing was completed until the team was satisfied that the system was operating effectively.


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