HSE-HIHI Spark Ignite 2021 Workshops awarded CPD and CEUs approval….

26th May 2021

The HSE-HIHI Spark Ignite 2021 Innovation Workshops have been awarded external continuing professional development (CPD) approval from the Royal College of Physicians Ireland and continuing education units (CEUs) from an Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann. The current cohort of Spark Ignite participants, representing 36 different projects for solutions to unmet needs in healthcare, are receiving training in the innovation process and learning the skills required to bring their ideas towards reality or implementation. The added benefit of the CPDs and CEUs formally recognises the hard work of the participants and their commitment to improving the healthcare system for the patient, their colleagues, and for themselves.

The regional finals of the competition are taking place on the 31st May, 2nd and 3rd June, and the national final takes place on the 16th June.

Further information is available here.

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