HIHI part of EU Consortium for ALADDIN

10th February 2021


Health Innovation Hub Ireland recently became part of an EU consortium for a H2020 Erasmus+ grant called ALADDIN. This is an ERASMUS + project tackling the integration of additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) in the health sector.

Additive manufacturing is a relatively new technology with vast potential in the health care sector. However, due to various reasons, including the lack of knowledge and skills,  the technology has remained widely unexplored in the sector.

This project brings together six European organisations lead by AIMPLAS (Technological Institute of Plastics, Spain) and includes  AMRC (Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, UK),  ITEMAS (Medical technology Innovation Platform-Spain)  HIHI (Health Innovation Hub Ireland),  HOPE (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation) and Jobs@skills (Belgian organisation specialised in training programs creation).

The aim of the project is to develop a training programme on additive manufacturing (3D printing) for hospitals targeting health professionals and engineering students for their future incorporation of these skills into healthcare. It will include a teaching guide and an e-Learning platform. In addition, three multiplier events will take place  during the course of the project to present the training courses and guarantee that the project reaches the target groups.

Professor Denis Dowling, Centre Director, I-Form, the SFI Research Centre for Advanced Manufacturing outlines the value of the project .”The healthcare sector was one of the early adopters of additive manufacturing. Yet, the potential of this key enabling technology for some medical applications is still immense. I-Form, the SFI Research Centre for Advanced Manufacturing, strongly supports ALADDIN’s objectives to address barriers to a wider deployment of 3D printing in the medical world.”

James Wall, Founder and Managing Director of 3D Technology Ltd and Director of MedScan3D said: “We are very excited about the project and looking forward to making a meaningful contribution.”


To achieve a training course that covers the needs of both health professionals working in hospitals and engineering students with future in the health sector, as well as, securing a better coordination and understanding between both sectors, the consortium has produced a survey, which will be open until 19 February 2021.

The survey, linked below, will be used to gather quantitative data to contribute to the development of the project.


The information and personal data collected through this survey will be processed anonymously and will under no circumstances be reused for other purposes.





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