HIHI launches latest Clinical Evaluation Study with DigiAcademy

10th October 2023

This October Health Innovation Hub Ireland is spotlighting our latest Clinical Evaluation Study with DigiAcademy. DigiAcademy is an accessible digital education platform co-designed with people with accessibility needs to ensure universal inclusivity.

It was originally conceived by Esther Murphy, PhD a Trinity College Dublin Principal Investigator at School of Engineering/ADAPT Center. DigiAcademy is funded by an Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Feasibility Fund and EIT HEALTH UK-IRELAND. Recently the company celebrated a European Digital Skills Award in Inclusion in the Digital World!

DigiAcademy is an online e-learning platform that provides bite size video tutorials for digital literacy training for individuals living with intellectual disabilities. This platform has been codesigned with individuals with accessibility needs further adopting its message of inclusion. As society moves towards more digital services, a platform that provides tailored learning for those with intellectual disabilities is needed for a more inclusive society.

HIHI’s role was to facilitate two separate expert clinical assessments of the DigiAcademy platform for product application and market value. Five clinicians were involved, these included occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and clinicians working in HSE procurement. This allowed comprehensive feedback to be gathered for DigiAcademy. Overall, all those involved in the clinical feedback sessions were impressed with the DigiAcademy platform and the clinicians praised the design and highlighted that it could be used in a complimentary format to existing services.

Read the full Clinical Evaluation Study here https://hih.ie/downloads/case-studies/HIHI-case-study_DigiAcademy.pdf

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