Call for papers: 24th Annual Health Informatics Society of Ireland Conference

11th July 2019
Call for Papers

Preparations for the 24th Annual Health Informatics Society of Ireland Conference & Scientific Symposium are well underway. We would like to encourage everyone to submit position papers, research findings, case studies and other materials for the conference if they have yet to do so.

The deadline for paper and poster submission is:
Monday 30 September 2019

Papers submitted should be of high quality, representing the best in Irish Health Informatics research into eHealth, mHealth and Health Interoperability. Contributions can be theoretical or empirical in nature, and from a variety of perspectives: legal, societal, cultural, commercial, technical, etc. With a view to furthering Health Informatics research, papers submitted should aim to reflect upon challenges in the field and propose solutions where possible.

Posters will be accepted in size A0, portrait. Please state paper or poster on your submission.

  • Submissions should be in digital format (.doc or .rtf) and sent to
  • Graphs and images should be included in the article and as separate files
  • English language, all references correct, 200-300 word abstract limit

For a full list of submission guidelines, click here.

Conference Venue: Croke Park Conference Centre
Date: 26 & 27 November

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