Advising Life Sciences Seminar: the opportunities for business

4th March 2019

The European Investment Bank, Ibec & the Irish Medtech Association would like to invite you to

 Advising Life Sciences Seminar: the opportunities for business

 Date: Friday, 8 March 2018

Time: 08:30-10:30

Venue: Clayton Hotel, Galway

Register on below link,-ibec-and-ima-advising-life-sciences-seminar-08-03-2019?OpenDocument

Andrew McDowell, Vice President of the European Investment Bank, in conjunction with Ibec and the Irish Medtech Association, would like to cordially invite you to a special life-sciences round-table in Galway. This event will be of particular interest to corporate finance teams advising clients companies located in Ireland, as well as those working with high growth start-ups.

This is a tailored session inform firms about the potential offering of the EIB corporate lending in life-sciences. It will allow attendees to gain greater insights into what supports the EIB can offer to Irish and Irish-based companies. It will also be an opportunity to engage directly with senior representatives of the EIB corporate lending team.

EIB Speakers include;

  • Andrew McDowell,  Vice President, EIB
  • Auvo Kaikonnen, Senior LifeSciences Specialist, EIB
  • Michael Finucane, Dictorate for Lending Operations, EIB
  • Stefano Marzario,  Investment Officer, EIB

The EIB is the world’s largest international public bank and the bank of the European Union. The EIB does not just provide infrastructure, it is a leading source of finance for business. It has a range of products that Irish companies can access directly.


Besides an overview of the bank and the products available, this event will also feature a discussion with Aerogen CEO, John Power to understand their experience of working with the bank and what this relationship has meant for their business. Please confirm your attendance to via the following link:,-ibec-and-ima-advising-life-sciences-seminar-08-03-2019?OpenDocument


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