UCC Acknowledges Establishment of Health Innovation Hub Ireland

28th January 2016

Press Statement – 26 January 2016


UCC Acknowledges Establishment of Health Innovation Hub Ireland


University College Cork (UCC) has welcomed today’s announcement by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton and Minister for Health Leo Varadkar regarding the establishment of Health Innovation Hub Ireland.


Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI) supports the development of pioneering research and innovation healthcare projects by creating access to cutting-edge research and innovation for the Irish health service.  By developing the next generation of leaders in healthcare and industry, HIHI has the potential to advance and transform health outcomes for patients by developing revolutionary solutions to medical problems; in addition to impacting on the health of the Irish economy by nurturing and supporting industry developments.



Health Innovation Hub Ireland will be headquartered in UCC with its partnering institutes being; Cork Institute of Technology (CIT), NUI Galway (NUIG) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD).  It is embedded within 23 hospitals nationally via the South/Southwest Hospital Group, Saolta University Heath Care Group and Dublin Midlands Hospital Group, in addition to three clinical research facilities, based at Mercy University Hospital Cork, University Hospital Galway and St. James’s Hospital Dublin.


The Principal Investigator for the research consortium is Professor John R. Higgins, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Head of College of Medicine and Health UCC. Professor Higgins states that “today’s announcement is a very proud moment, as it not only captures the collaborative spirit between our partnering third level institutions, industry partners and health services, but demonstrates how working together unlocks and delivers transformational projects. In my own specialty of obstetrics and gynecology, I have seen the positive impact that technology has had on patient safety, patient care and patient outcomes. Therefore, I am confident that today’s announcement reflects the ability of Health Innovation Hub Ireland to greatly enhance Ireland’s national healthcare service and delivery in the years ahead.”


Innovation capacity and enhanced operational excellence are crucial requirements for the health sector in Ireland. Today’s announcement shows that the need for genuine collaboration between industry and the healthcare system to deliver economic growth, improved patient outcomes and lower healthcare costs has been recognised.


For further press queries please contact Kate McSweeney – mobile 087 6150199.  kate.mcsweeney@ucc.ie T: @UCCMedHealth


Notes to editor:


  • Information from the Health Innovation Demonstrator Hub can be found from  https://hih.ie/


  • A National Project Team (NPT) was appointed in 2012 to drive this initiative and was chaired by Dave Shanahan. The other members were from the Dept. Jobs Enterprise and Innovation; Dept. Health; Enterprise Ireland; IDA; SFI; Industry and Clinical/Non-Clinical Leadership from the HSE.


  • The Western Gateway Building, UCC was the location selected for the Demonstrator Health Innovation Hub and the team was led by Dr. Colman Casey, Director of the Demonstrator Hub.  Over the past 3 years the Demonstrator Health Innovation Hub issued three separate calls for innovative products and services and the hub has handled a wide array of companies from individuals right up to small and medium enterprises.


  • The hub has instigated and managed projects with 27 companies in:
  • 7 hospitals
  • 2 primary care centres
  • 4 stand alone GPs
  • 19 pharmacies
  • 19 clinicians and their teams


  • The demonstrator hub was set up to accelerate the development of company products and their associated healthcare products.  As a result of Hub formation, the Government then carried out an independent assessment of the Hub operations in 2014 and based on this evaluation they recommended the formation of a National Health Innovation Hub.


  • The Government then issued a call in 2015 for a National Health Innovation Hub and UCC formed a consortium to bid for the National Hub and were one of a number of consortia to participate in the bid process. A team of national and international experts, in both business and health, reviewed all consortium bids and the UCC led bid was chosen.

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