HIHI’s first issue of “Femtech in Focus”, Evolution and Revolution in women’s health is out now
HIHI is today delighted to announce the first issue of our newsletter “Femtech in Focus”. Read the full edition here https://hih.ie/downloads/femtech-newsletter.pdf
In this issue we focus on one of our female founders Marian Kennedy of PPR Healthcare who has just launched her first product from the #anewmum range on the market.
The Research Focus in this edition highlights the work of Prof. John Cryan, VP for Research & Innovation at UCC and Principal Investigator at APC Microbiome Ireland.
The Industry Focus centres on Cormac O’ Sullivan, Vice President IC and R&D at Movano Health who talks about developing their ready for market #EvieRing which is a wearable device to track biometric data empowering the wearer to manage their own health.
HIHI’s Femtech Innovation Call competition 2023 is also featured. This innovation competition is open to you if you are: a company, pre- start-up or researcher based in Ireland or you have a product that is market-ready or, in development that has the potential to significantly impact women’s healthcare in Ireland and internationally.
The competition is now open and the closing date is 17th November
To enter apply now HIHI Femtech Call 2023 – Health Innovation Hub Ireland