EIT Health opportunity | Train the trainer: emerging competencies for senior healthcare managers

30th July 2018

The “Train the Healthcare Manager Trainer” is a three-day programme for developing teacher capabilities on emerging competencies for senior healthcare managers from Karolinska Institute, IESE Business School, University of Grenoble-Alpes, University of Gent and Medical University of Lodz.

Target participants: This programme is addressed to programme directors and trainers of healthcare senior managers, and executives. Trainers may be professors, educators, lecturers, or even healthcare professionals and managers that teach in management, innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship to healthcare managers and executives (maybe as a part-time / secondary activity).

The programme will be divided into two editions, each of which will include:

  • Presentations and debates on the healthcare management scenario in Europe (new leadership, dealing with complexity, the role of the manager)
  • Presentations and debates on case methods and innovative learning methods for healthcare executives.
  • Presenting and teaching new free materials for teaching emerging competencies to healthcare senior managers and executives in Europe.

Edition 1 –  24-26 October 2018, in Stockholm, Sweden. (register by 31 July)

Edition 2 – 28-30 November 2018, in Barcelona, Spain.

Attendance is free, though travel will be at the participants’ expense. More details here

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