Yellow Schedule makes it possible for expectant mums AND their partners to attend 20-week scans
New Tech Solution to Aid Expectant Parents
Yellow Schedule has developed a solution to ensure expectant mothers can attend a 20-week anatomy scan with their partners at Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH).
Working with Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI) and CUMH, Yellow Schedule created a customised version of its scheduling software to address issues such as bottlenecks related to the flow of patients and consistent and timely contact tracing of patients.
The system works by sending a text message to the expectant mother ahead of her 20-week scan inviting her to bring her partner. Both then get a Covid-19 screening questionnaire, which allows the hospital to identify any patients with potential risk factors.
A QR code is then sent to both the expectant mother and her partner allowing them to scan into the hospital for the appointment. This reduces the potential for queues and ensures staff have a record of who has attended.
Article by The Business Post