
Through HIHI, enterprise can access Ireland’s leading health professionals who will pilot and test innovative products, services and devices.

Health Innovation Hub is an opportunity to further build on Ireland’s strong international reputation for excellence and innovation in healthcare and ICT. New and emerging enterprises can benefit from HIHI through direct collaboration with our healthcare system.

HIHI offers a unique tailor made pathway for start-ups seeking pilot or validation studies for commercialisation. These pilot and validation studies are critical for business growth and scale.

HIHI connects products with people qualified to test them. We act as a broker, matching companies with relevant clinical teams, overseeing a study of each product in an Irish clinical setting and author a report upon completion of the study.

The HIHI report offers leverage for products in international markets, enhances distribution opportunities and informs further development.

Industry can engage with HIHI throughout the year as we have an open door policy or you can access HIHI though our national annual call (live now). The principal difference with the call is that successful applicants are invited to a rigorous competitive pitch process, with representatives from Enterprise Ireland, IDA, Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board, HSE and other influencers that they would not ordinarily have direct access to.

For enquiries email: info@hih.ie