Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI) is a national entity established by two government departments – the Department of Health and the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment. HIHI is supported through Enterprise Ireland and the HSE . HIHI began as a demonstrator in UCC in 2013 and, following international review was selected as Ireland’s National Health Innovation Hub in 2016 and refunded for a further 5 years from 2021-2026.


HIHI was established, by the government of Ireland to drive collaboration between healthcare and industry, to support our indigenous industry, create jobs, support the economy while also providing solutions and efficiencies in healthcare and better patient outcomes.

HIHI supports companies by facilitating access to the healthcare system and clinical professionals at each stage of development – idea, prototype or market ready product, supporting them to develop new innovative products in Ireland.

HIHI supports healthcare by bringing innovation into clinical settings, demonstrating value and impact and creating a culture of innovation.

HIHI stimulates clinical innovation, new products and start-ups coming from clinicians, from the community and within universities.